Wednesday, January 4, 2012

For Romney, Iowa Vote Total Nearly Same as 2008

mitt romney Iowa Video

Mitt Romney on August 31, 2004 speaking the Iowa Delegation to the Republican National Convention. In the clip, Romney explains that in politics people have a tendency to look back at your past to find where you've changed positions, and then label you a "flip-flopper," its a "pretty much standard operating procedure." In John Kerry's case, however, he says "this guys really is." He also mentions a joke from Conan O'Brien about John Kerry's dating habits. Follow me on Twitter at for more great 2012 related political videos.
mitt romney Iowa Video Watch to the END for a special announcement from Fake Mitt Romney. YouTube Video: "Fake Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul 48 hours before Iowa Caucus DES MOINES, IOWA (January 2, 2012) A unique YouTube presentation titled "Fake Mitt Romney Endorses Ron Paul" has a spokesman named "Fake Mitt Romney". The presentation was produced by Endorse Liberty, a "Super PAC" supporting Ron Paul. The video is available at: The video begins with a costumed actor saying, "I am Fake Mitt Romney, which makes me remarkably like the real Mitt Romney... I took a break from picking up a check at Goldman Sachs to talk to you, America." He then asks viewers to skip the video, because they will most likely change their vote to Ron Paul after watching. "With the impersonation, we wanted to exaggerate Romney's most defining features" says Stephen Oskoui, Co-founder of Endorse Liberty. "Writing our script was easy, because the real Mitt Romney is as much an actor as the guy in our video. It seems like everything he says is filtered through focus groups. We also wanted to point out that Romney's top contributors are all banks like Goldman Sachs that took billions in bailouts from American taxpayers. Contrast that with Ron Paul's top contributors; the US Air Force, the US Army, and the US Navy." After the introduction, viewers then transition to a 10 minute presentation featuring Ron Paul speaking on the House floor over the past 30 years. The presentation ...

I Searched about mitt romney Iowa on Yahoo And Here It Is

For Romney, Iowa Vote Total Nearly Same as 2008
Mitt Romney leaves Iowa with an eight-vote victory in the first GOP presidential primary contest. However, his vote total is nearly identical to his second-place finish in 2008 and highlights his inability to win over conservative Republicans, ...

Breaking News Iowa Caucus: CNN confirms Romney's win with help from Edith and ...
WASHINGTON, January 4, 2012 – After considerable last-minute confusion, the Republican Party of Iowa announced that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney had officially won the 2012 Iowa Republican Caucus vote by a slim 8-vote margin over surprise ...
Read more on Washington Times

Television networks bring something new to Iowa
Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney addresses supports with his wife Ann and their sons Matt, Josh, Craig and Tagg behind him during a Romney for President Iowa Caucus night rally in Des Moines, Iowa, Tuesday, Jan. ...

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