John Gibson Program for Thursday, September 29th 2011 The Field! A new Fox News Poll puts Mitt Romney in the lead, Rick Perry sinking and Herman Cain making a charge. Other polls indicate that Mitt Romney is consolidating back his front-runner status in states like Florida and (shockingly) Iowa. Still, the GOP "establishment" is looking to New Jersey for something the others aren't providing. What's wrong with Romney and is Cain for real? Gibson examines. In State! Texas Governor Rick Perry apologized yesterday for saying people opposed to "In State" Tuition for Illegals didn't "have a heart." As Perry sinks in the polls, will this mea culpa be enough or is his belief in the policy the real problem? Gibson speaks with Columnist Ruben Navarrette, who think Perry is the only GOP Candidate who's being honest about Immigration! Plus: GOP Insiders think any discussion of "Immigration" is a loser for Republicans this election cycle. Plus: Herman Cain says Blacks are "brainwashed" to be Democrats, Limousine Liberals continue to demand Higher Taxes and Union Thugs organize March on Washington in Mid October to demand more largesse! LISTEN LIVE NOON-3PM ET WWW.GIBSONRADIO.COM 888-788-9910
Herman Cain: Recovery 14 million jobs behind typical upswing
GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain wants voters to put the blame for the nation's stubborn unemployment squarely on the shoulders of the Commander-in-Chief. Cain called President Barack Obama's stimulus package "failed" in a recent Wall Street ...
Read more on PolitiFact
Recommended: First Thoughts: Perry's bleeding continues
Raising (and lowering) Herman Cain… A decision in the next 48 hours for Christie?... How Rudy Giuliani's unsuccessful '08 run could influence Christie's ultimate decision… Romney the revenue raiser… Romney, Gingrich, and Paul campaign today in New ...
Herman Cain Creates Believers in 'Yes, He Cain'
Herman Cain isn't likely to become president, but his impressive campaign is making him a major player in the public debate in years to come. He could follow Huckabee and become host of his own TV show. Or he could fit easily into a Republican Cabinet ...
Dr. Boyce: Herman Cain, the Brainwashed Caricature of a Candidate
Herman Cain has made a living by saying the kinds of racist things that right wing folks like to hear and also by throwing angry rhetorical fireballs at President Obama in the name of Tea Party hatred. Racism is typically most effective when it has a ...
Read more on Your Black World
marsha: What African American organizations support Herman Cain for president?
Who cares. Americans support him.
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herman cain for president