Monday, October 3, 2011

Herman Cain Brings His 9-9-9 Message to North Fulton

Herman Cain Brings His 9-9-9 Message to North Fulton
By Bob Pepalis Herman Cain brought his 9-9-9 message to Crabapple on Sunday afternoon and the crowd from North Fulton and surrounding counties gave him a warm reception. The Republican candidate for President gave a speech and signed his new book ...

Your morning jolt: Herman Cain's blur of a weekend
Bill Knowles also sends word that in Georgia, Cain won a DeKalb County GOP straw poll with nearly 80 percent of 264 ballots cast. Texas Gov. Rick Perry earned 29 votes, former Massachusetts Mitt Romney had 25 votes, and – curiously – President Barack ...
Read more on Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)

Is Herman Cain racist against African-Americans?
By David Cohen GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain caused a firestorm last week for saying that African-American voters had been “brainwashed” into unfairly dismissing conservative views. Democratic political strategist Cornell Belcher, ...
Read more on Daily Caller

HeyWhereTheWhiteWomenAt: If herman cain became president would it also be considered "racist" to disagree with him like it is for obama?
Would he get the race special treatment or is that only for democrats?
I see. So the race thing is only good for black democrats. Herman is a slave. Is that really what liberals are saying?

DNC Donkey
I don't agree with anything he says. He is a slave for the republicans.

Give your answer to this question below!
herman cain for president

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